The home of the best hardcore blowjob videos is ThisGirlSucks. You can see over 800 models with different levels of experience, sucking on dicks the size of their arms. Some will gag and some will make it look easy, but they all do it with a smile on their face and sometimes look at you in the eye.
You can’t look anywhere on the site and not see a chick eating a dick. There are hundreds of scene previews on display on the main page. As long as you scroll down, more will load. Some of them are just screenshots but some of them are gifs, so you get to see a bit of action happening. The top banner offers all the information you need regarding quality and quantity of videos and pictures.
Unlimited downloads are available for members of both videos and picture galleries. The content is exclusive and new videos are added 7 times per week. If you want to sample some blowjob scenes you can opt for a2-dayy trial. If you’re already a fan, just go for the 1 month, 3- month or 12-month subscription plans. These come with full access to not only ThisGirlSucks but 27 more affiliate sites that feature the same type of slim bodies and cock craving sluts.
These ladies are just amazing. It’s hard to think of an ethnicity that’s not represented. From your typical white trash chicks that like to be dominated by strong black women with curly hair that gets all covered in cum, the variety is amazing especially considering there are 800+ models on the site. You would think they might look alike after the first few hundreds, but you would be utterly wrong. The models are hot. Depending on the camera angles you might not always be able to see their full bodies until after the cumshot, but you’ll just have to trust the guy with the hard dick. The dudes that go balls deep in these models’ throats seem to enjoy the female partners, so you’ll just have to go with them. On occasion, you might see some boobs that come in all shapes and sizes being grabbed or slapped during intense scenes.
The videos can be downloaded in multiple formats. You have your choice of WMV, MPEG, 3gp and much more that are compatible with all mobile devices as well. If you don’t want to wait or simply can’t download larger videos, you can opt to go de SD route. ThisGirlSucks has everyone covered. No one should miss out on this kind of porn. There’s a lot of gagging, tears, and cum to enjoy in short but intense scenes. Let’s get something straight. Just because it’s about blowjobs it doesn’t mean it’s boring. Face fucking is increasingly popular and ThisGirlSucks capitalizes on the genre well. It all starts with sucking the biggest dick possible and they even give out AVN awards for this, so you know they try hard to impress.
If you’re looking for quality blowjobs and face fucking sessions, it’s the right place. The huge number of videos on ThisGirlSucks, as well as the 4900+ photos, should keep you busy for a long time. Besides, there’s new stuff posted almost daily, so you’ll never run out of fresh faces as long as you’re a member. The cool thing is that if you get tired of BJs you can always take a look at any of the other sites. It’s the best of many worlds.