Anal Fuck Thrills is a porn site whose aim is to serve fans of anal hardcore videos, and provide them with a wide range of thrilling anal porn content. The site has high quality picture galleries and a collection of videos that are non exclusive. A fairly priced monthly fee will get you access to the site, as well as all the sites in the network.
The site has a simple layout, all of the picture galleries and movies are in their respective categories. There are more than enough categories you can choose from related to the niche. The navigation is good enough to help you find whatever it is you’re looking for on the site, but a search function – which is absent here – could have helped finding pictures and movies much easier.
There are more than 340 movies on the site. Each movie is about 20 minutes long. You can stream the movies online or download them in MP4 or WMV format. There are no DRM or any other restrictions. This means you can download the videos at fairly high speeds and burn them onto a DVD for your enjoyment later. There are more than 190 galleries on Anal Fuck Thrills. Each gallery has approximately 90 images. The images are clear and of fairly high resolution. The images can be viewed online through the slideshow feature on the site, or you could opt to download each of the galleries in a zip file onto your computer’s hard drive.
The models featured on the site are porn stars. Some of these porn stars have been featured on a number of porn movies online. The porn stars are mainly white Caucasian females from America. However, there are a number of porn stars from other European countries like Italy and Germany. You’ll also find a few sexy Latinas and hot ebony females, who have also been featured in some of their other networks in sites related to those specific niches.
Every single video delivers on the promise of hot anal action. However, each video has a lot of other things going on, especially at the start of the movie. There is a story line in some of the movies, which is brought out by a few minutes of acting. The models are sometimes dressed in sexy outfits, such as stockings, knee high boots, high heels and other types of outfits. In one video, two guys are dressed in furry costumes and a sexy model teases them to the point that they can’t control themselves. The two horny guys end up having hardcore sex with the fine sexy female, who is just as pleased to have them in her rear. Some of the scenes are in the form of one on one sex. However, there are many threesome scenes with two males and a sexy porn star eager for some double penetration.
There are also scenes with two females and one male, where the female gives some oral, while her friend has anal sex. It is also possible to find a number of group sex scenes involving multiple partners in the same scene. However, most of the movies feature one on one, or two males and one female in the same scene.
If you love anal porn movies, and you’ve been looking for a sizeable quantity of these movies, you need to consider signing up to Anal Fuck Thrills. The site has bonus sites with related anal content, as well as many other sites with content that is not necessarily related to the content on this site.